We provide world-class consulting and valuation services for energy and infrastructure projects throughout the U.S. and Caribbean. Our services range from initial project consultation, route analysis, project coordination, impact studies, valuation and expert testimony. Integra’s prestigious client roster includes major energy companies, federal and state governmental agencies, local municipalities, and prominent law firms.
Integra has a wide range of experience with energy related projects including oil and gas pipelines as well as high voltage transmission (HVTL). Projects have ranged in size from smaller projects to thousands of parcels, spanning hundreds of miles. Services include preliminary consulting for initial route studies, cost analysis, impact studies, and GIS mapping as well as valuation for acquisition and expert testimony where necessary.
We work with private companies and governmental agencies on rail and transit lines across the U.S. for issues ranging from establishing market rent for shared use agreements (both surface and subsurface) as well as acquisitions and dispositions for rail lines and train stations. Additionally, we provide consulting and valuation services related to collocated fiber projects with other utilities.
Pipeline projects have been completed for multiple carriers and various products. When performing this work, Integra has assisted in route analysis, easement acquisition valuation, damage assessments and litigation support.
Road projects range from smaller partial takings for road widenings to larger projects involving highways and hundreds of parcels. Airport assignments involve highest and best use studies as well as ground rent studies for leasehold interests.
Integra has worked with municipalities for valuation issues related to both the construction of water and wastewater systems and their disposition as private companies acquire these assets.
Experience. Capacity. Expert Testimony.
Integra Realty Resources has extensive experience in appraising major right of way assignments where private land is taken for public infrastructure. We have more than 30 years of experience in dealing with the specific laws, practices, and appraisal methodologies that must be adhered to when dealing with the government’s acquisition or disposition of its assets.
With 50+ local offices in the U.S. and Caribbean staffed with 400+ professionals, we have the ability to complete large-scale assignments in a short period of time to meet project-related deadlines. Our reports are completed by appraisers with years of experience in appraising properties of all types. Each report goes through extensive quality assurance/quality control checks to ensure that the product delivered to the client meets all applicable standards. We understand reports must be written in a manner that can be relied upon by a third party or finder of fact.
Although we strive to produce appraisal reports that aid our clients in acquiring/disposing of property without litigation, there will always be entities or individuals that push for value determination through the courts. Integra Realty Resources has an unmatched reputation in its ability to strongly defend its value conclusions. Members of our team have testified in thousands of valuation hearings, depositions, and trials at local, state and federal level.
Project Experience

Keystone Pipeline
Running from Gulf of Mexico to Alberta, Canada, Integra’s involvement included thousands of miles and parcels in the U.S.

Fiber Corridor
Integra provided valuation and consulting services for a collocated fiber line running along a rail corridor from the northern United States through Canada.

Sunoco Liquid Natural Gas Pipeline - Mariner East
Valuation services were provided for parcels along the pipeline that runs through southern Pennsylvania from Delaware to West Virginia.