Our professionals possess significant experience and expertise in the valuation of land for open space preservation and mitigation purposes. Open space preservation and mitigation appraisals are often completed for public agencies where mitigation is required for public works projects that impact designated open space and wildlife corridors. These appraisals may involve the appraisal of wetlands, vernal pools, and /or land with specific habitat - protected animal or plant species. Appraisals may involve the valuation of designated land banks or other environmentally sensitive land. Typically, a sales comparison approach is employed; however in the case of a land bank, a discounted cash flow analysis is required. We also have extensive experience in valuing land that can be utilized to connect to wildlife corridors. Additionally, we often appraise properties that conservation agencies wish to purchase or sell.

Eminent Domain
We are considered national market leaders in eminent domain valuations, understanding both Federal and State regulations.
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